
(The Appointed Times)/ Feast Days

Most believers fear the appointed times because they don’t understand, or it is looked at by most as the “Jewish holidays”. However, according to the scriptures we understand that this statement is not “truth”. Moedim are called the appointed times of the L-RD in the scriptures as they are seen in Leviticus 23:4-22 . These days are an essential part of believers worship unto G-D because the days are a reflection of who HE is, what HE has done, and is doing. It is important to our growth because interwoven in every appointed time is the revelation of G-D through HIS Son, Yeshua. This means that Yeshua is the revelation and the fullness of the appointed times. He is the picture of how and why G-D delivered us, made us free, and caused us to be fruitful. Most of the appointed times is centered around harvesting and bringing forth fruit. If there is no fruit or harvest, then there cannot be any offering of worship. This is why we are commanded to remember and celebrate because symbolically we are the harvest and our lives then becomes the fruit that is offered to G-d through Yeshua. For instance, Pesach finds its importance in the life of a believer because it is the commemoration and celebration of being brought out of Egypt (bondage/the things that has enslaved us in the world) into the promise (the Kingdom). According to Exodus 12:1-2  Adonai says to Moshe that Pesach shall be the beginning of months and the first of the year for them. This is significant because the season is opened with Moshe recognizing that G-d is the deliverer of Israel. This should be commemorated and celebrated with joy knowing that HE is the G-d that rescues one from bondage. As a result of this season, Yeshua now is the blood that is smeared on the doorpost of our heart. This is symbolic to the lambs blood being smeared on the doorpost of the houses of Israel protecting them from death and the judgment that was about to come upon Egypt. Likewise, Yeshua is the Passover lamb that gave His body and blood all to deliver us from the slavery and the power of sin and death. Pesach is the commemoration and celebration of Adonai sending HIS own Son as the lamb that would take away the sins of the world John 1:29. As the biblical new year, the season is opened up as G-d being a nations deliverer and then the worlds Salvation.